The Problem with Addiction

The Problem with Addiction

I have started bloggin on from now on but thought I'd post my last few on here that I've done in case you haven't been going to myspace to view my blog.

Addiction is a very difficult thing to break. If youve ever known someone who was an addict you will have to agree. And there are so many things out there to be addicted to! Rush Limbaugh was addicted to pain killers and Ive known others with this same addiction. Illegal drugs like cocaine, heroine, and X have brought down more than their fair share of celebrities (thank you Nick Nolte for the lovely photo.

Now, I know what youre thinking, addiction is a very serious topic and I said in an earlier post that Im not going to get into serious topics.

I think you will have to agree, addiction is indeed so very serious that it deserves our attention in at least one post of mine! We owe it to the world to discuss such issues! So please pardon me for one post to my blog about addiction.

The reason addiction is so very close to my heart and on my mind right now is because...well....theres no easy way to say this......Im an addict.

Its true. Ive done a fairly good job to this point of hiding it from those who love me. This was actually pretty easy since there is, at the moment, nobody who loves me. Perhaps that fact alone is what drove me to my addiction.

What am I addicted to? Thats obviously whats going through everyones mind right now so Ill tell you for no other reason than to feed your curiosity.

Im addicted to myspace. There. I said it. Its out there and I cant take it back (well, actually I COULD take it backI could just delete it but Im not going to do so. I need to face my addiction! That is the first step in any 12 step program).

Since I have not found a 12 step program in my area for myspaceaholics, I have not moved on to step 2 and started taking responsibility for my addiction. I still blame others. Well, not really othersjust one person in particular because its all HER fault! Kacky77 turned me onto myspace a few days ago. So if theres anyone to blame, surely it must be her! Please find her on here ( to make it easier for you in case you're not a computer geek and didn't figure out I linked her name above) and send her a condemning message of your utter disdain for what shes driven me to! Thank you.

There are many problems with addiction and Id like to address those issues now.

Addicts neglect what was previously important to them.
Tis true. Addicts neglect their jobs, those that love them, their hobbies, and pretty much anything to stands in the way of feeding their addiction.

Funny thing is, I really didnt have much of a life to destroy when I began my addiction so you cant see that much of difference in my life. So I think Im ok with this point.

Addicts will do anything to feed their addiction.
And I have to admit, Im guilty of feeding my addiction when I should be doing other things. I spend night times reading other peoples spaces when I should be sleeping or chatting with someone on line. I sat in front of the computer just about all weekend doing the same when I should have been out working on more important things like getting a nice EVEN tan!

Addiction takes a physical toll on a person.
And Ive already seen that taking place in my life! Alcoholics end up with liver problems when they are older and many other health concerns. Rush Limbaugh is fat so I figure thats the prescription pain killers he was shoving down his throat.

Myspaceaholics have even worse issues they have to contend with. Ive already noticed the beginnings of carpal tunnel syndrome in my wrist and fingers! Sure, it may not leaving me in the gutter passed out in my own vomit and urine but its still just as ugly! How am I supposed to shake hands later in life when my hands and fingers are so grotesquely warped? Its a shame really.

So, as I work through my addiction, I would appreciate all of your support.

Currently Im thinking the best way to work through my addiction is to gorge myself on my addiction. So thats the plan for the next few weeks. So now you know why you probably wont be hearing from me for awhile. HEY! Dont blame meI need to in order to survive this thing!

Now, back to pointing and clicking.

I think Ill be ok. With time.

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